
Something from Nothing

So... I realized that it has been at least two weeks since i blogged last... O.o So I figured I'd blog about that.

Really, things HAVE been going on in my life, I PROMISE. But, writing them down just isn't my way of coping. I do enjoy talking about them but not as a stress reliever... I'd much rather sit in my room, destroying my ears with music that's too loud blaring in my head and stare at the ceiling and slip slowly into madness...

So the point is, when I want to tell you about something, I will, but not to help myself. It will simply be because I have NOTHING else to do because there is nobody interesting on facebook and I can't play my sax and I have nothing to read or no movie to watch and all my friends can't hang out and I have the munchies so bad that I raid the fridge for a good hour. THAT'S when I'll post stuff. No sooner. No later.

... Now I feel like I need to end this somehow... Like a signature ending that I end ALL my posts with... And right now, I have no idea, But that's ok cause I don't care enough to think of one, and reflecting on it, it's not THAT important... at least not important enough for me to stare at the screen and try to get and idea for ten more minutes. So when i have a suitable ending sequence, I'll let you people know. Until then... This'll have to do.

Also, I've noticed that i say "..." a lot... does this bother anyone? Really? That's good to know... I DON'T CARE!!!!

Ok this is all now. For reals. And stuff O.o

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